Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Christmas time makes me hungry for chocolates. Not just any chocolates. The kind that comes in a 5 pound assortment, with nuts, cherries, cream and carmels. When I was a litte girl my father always purchased one of those big ol' boxes of chocolates. I loved it. Of course it never takes long before most of them have been poked and proded so as to determine the filling. But I looked forward to this treat every year. When I began working at the school one of the teachers, Dear Sweet Mrs. Sigg, would bring in a large box of chocolates every year for the holidays. Those babies kept me going till it was time for our Christmas Break. Earlier this week I was thinking on this subject and thought I better make a trip to Sees Candy to pick up a box of "nuts & chews" to make my holiday complete. That same morning my neighber brought over a cute little box which was just enough to get me through for the next few days till I can get to the mall. I don't know how anyone can go without chocolate during the holidays. Now my question is, who gave Mary chocolate when Jesus was born? You know she needed it! I'm thinking the wife of one of the wise men must have been sensitive to this need. So I decided it was the wise man that brought the myrrh...that's what chocolate does to you, it makes you myrrrrrrrh. ha, ha, ha!

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