Thursday, September 16, 2010

i am calling you...

Elk season is here and Gary can't wait to get out in the wild and call to an Elk.   Uncle Jack got his elk last week.  Funny story,  he was sitting in a tree stand watching a water hole when up walks a nice 6x6,  He aims his bow and shoots, ooops, the arrow went to the left.  The bull is still standing there..shoots again, off to the left again.  this happened 5 times.  Gary said when Jack came back to camp he was not happy, apparently had a bit of a tantrum throwing arrows around.  The next day he remedied the stituation.  He was shooting with his left eye hence the reason for the arrows going left.  They put tape on his glasses and he was able to shoot straight and true.  That evening he finally got a kill.
Gary is excited to get out in the woods and do some hunting once again.  He will be hunting in the Willaims area this year,.  GOOD LUCK!


Kerri said...

that sounds so funny. i can totally see uncle jack throwing a tantrum.

Kim's just sayin' said...

I have decided to boycott dad until hunting season is over, since he ditched me on the phone Sunday so he could get Jack's elk... Now I know where I stand :)

that is a great story though. Good thing he got one the next day!