Friday, September 16, 2011

Gary goes to visit the Calls in Alaska

It's another Friday evening and I am sitting here all alone.  Reminds me of the days when I was a teenager and I didn't have a date for the weekend, which was most of the time.   Gary is in Alaska visiting Kerri and meeting Forrest for the first time.  He called today to fill me in on the weekend plans.  They get to go to Denali tomorrow.  I'm so glad he gets this opportunity.  I hope someday I will get to go sight seeing.  My trips usually consists of homemaking  things cause I'm the Mom.  Which is all good.  At least I'm needed once in a while.  But it would be nice to travel for fun.  Maybe when I grow up.

Thank goodness for Seminary.  I get to do something I absolutely enjoy.  Now that I have a job I can afford to buy fun treats for the kids on game day and not feel guilty about it.  It's great to learn so much about the Old Testament. 

I really don't think anyone reads this blog anymore.  But I need to keep track of my daily life so I will continue to make notes each week.  I'm feeling a bit lonely so I don't want to write anymore today because it will just sound negative. This is suppose to be my Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy time, a time to reflect on everything that is so wonderful in my life.  I did, however, have alot of fun sewing costumes for Kaci and Forrest.  This year Kaci wanted to be a Butterfly.  Forrest will be by her side as a caterpillar.  I have a blast conjuring up costumes for my grand children.  Right now I am preparing to make a dress for Lilan, She will be Repunzel (Tangled version) this year. Nate and Mason requested Optimus Prime and BumbleBee...those costumes will  be purchased this skills are limited when it comes to  Transformers.  So much fun...And with that I will close....til next time.


Krystal and Bruce said...

I read your blog mom!!! Rylee is excited to be a basketball!!

Kerri said...

I read it too, you just don't post very often.

Kaci LOVES her costume and is telling everyone (including tourists) that she gets to be butterfly and her grandma made it for her.

Jalaire said...

I am a stalker. I read your blog regularly but I don't always post a comment. I love to hear about what you and your family are doing and I love to see pictures of your kids and grandkids.