Thursday, January 8, 2009

Giggle: to laugh with high, quick sounds in a silly or nervous way.

Girls giggle. All the time. Why is this so? This week Krystal, her friend Bree and the Sister Missionarys where here for breakfast one day. It was glorious to hear laughter ring throughout the house. These four girls laughed, giggled and screamed for 3 hours. Why is it that the giggling intensifies when two or more women are gathered together. "laughing all the way" The only requirement for such merriment is that you are a girl. Guys don't do this. But put two girls together in any situation and you get laughs and giggles and grins. You get tears on occasion, and "whoa is me", but for the most part it's giggling. "LAUGHTER IS A TRANQUILIZER WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS." Just last night I went visiting teaching and although we talked about some serious things, for the most part we giggled. It did not matter who we visited, in what home, to what age woman, we still giggled. "LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE." I am grateful the girls were here with us if only just for the entertainment. It did my heart good to hear them have so much fun visiting with each other. Being a girl is humorous, literally! "THE BEST BLUSH TO USE IS LAUGHTER: IT PUTS ROSES IN YOUR CHEEKS AND IN YOUR SOUL~"

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