Friday, March 14, 2008

That's Entertainment

Lately Gary and I have been watching a lot of movies and even some new television programs. Gary likes to go to the movies when he has Monday night off, which is twice a month. We hit the theater about 3:00 than have an early dinner and make it home by 6:00. These are the gems we have watched lately: TH E BUCKET LIST---this movie was hillarious. Gary wanted to stay and watch it again. It was about two men with 6 months to live, but they live their last days in style. We can't wait to buy this one, it will be a must for our video collection. JUMPER--hmmm, the kids really liked this one but I didn't. There are people who have the ability to jump from one place to another anywhere in the world instantaneously. It's a fascinating concept . The special effects and cinematography was great. FOOL's GOLD--really cute. predictable story but the location was beautiful it was filmed in Austaralia and the water is so pretty. We really liked all the characters. It was funny and interesting. Treasure hunting is so fascinating to me. All the knowledge you need and the research ability. I think it's cool! Ed IN REAL LIFE--about a widower raising his three daughters. They go to their family reunion and he meets a woman who turns out to be his brother's girlfriend. It really touches real feelings and emotions. It's a quiet movie but well done. We rented it and I think I will watch it again. NO RESERVATIONS--another quiet movie...real emotions and done well. A female chef who lives to cook and run the kitchen in a prestigious restaurant inherits her neice after a fatal car accident. She takes time off to gather herself after her sister's death and when she comes back to the restaurant another chef (Nick) is in her space. The story is about what Nick teaches her about living life and including her niece Zoe. THE BEE MOVIE--wild and bright, funny. I think little kids would like it because it is so colorful and teaches about the circle of life in a different way.
As for television there is a new show NEW AMSTERDAM--about a guy who can not die seaching for the one woman who he will unite his soul for ever. He is a homocide detective and he uses all the things he has learned and experienced for hundreds of years to help him solve the cases. So far we have seen that he has been a doctor, lawyer,prominent artist...there has only been three shows. I don't usually watch t.v. programs but this one fascinates me. The man he lives with is 65 years old and is his son and this guy looks only 35. So far it has been a good show, but you know what happens everytime I find a show I like, it turns smutty after a season or two. AMERICAN IDOL--I can't help it. I love to watch and listen to these young men and women sing. These kids have a lot of talent. I don't much care for the judges comments, but I like the show. SURVEYOR--Gary is a big fan of this show and this season is different. I only like to watch the challenges, the rest of the show is just drama and I'm not up for that. DON"T FORGET THE LYRICS---this game show is so fun to watch. I get a kick out of the contestants. It's amazing how well people know the songs we hear on the radio. Wayne Brady is the host and he is fun. THE PRICE IS RIGHT--there's a million dollar show on friday nights and Drew Carey is the host.

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